Fairfield Park Lower School

School Annual Plan

Each year we are required to identify the strengths and areas of development for our school.

This works alongside the school’s evaluation documents and parent feedback. We use the Ofsted framework as a basis and drawn up a School Development Plan. We have a detailed year plan in all subject areas and a 3-year plan that shows ambition.

These documents show the actions that the school is constantly moving to make every area of the school better; the school is forward thinking, is outward looking and takes account of new teaching and learning pedagogy and research. The leadership team and staff are passionate to constantly evolve and challenge their thinking to continue to make this school an outstanding one.

The leadership team including governors model a growth mindset approach to all tasks and school learning. “Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and keep on learning.” – Carol Dweck

Please see below to view the School Annual Plan 2023-24


sdp for parents 2023 2024.pdf